How to self-care with affirmations

Have you heard of the phrase ‘you are what you think?’.

How do you speak to yourself? With love or with criticism?

Or maybe you’re not sure. We often speak to ourselves in such an automatic way that we don’t even realise how unkind or unfair we are being to our very core and yet these words can dis-empower us from doing the things that we really want to do and even worse, stop us from being who we really want to be.

You have to be careful with your words. It is time to become aware of how you talk to yourself and learn a whole new awesome self-caring, self-loving, self-empowering way.

It is time to be your own best friend. So, what is an affirmation? An affirmation is a chosen word that is positive towards oneself and when practised daily will create a powerful self-care habit that really can change your life.

Affirmations help to purify the thoughts and are a great way to re train the brain to begin to think more positively about yourself. If what you think you become, then it’s a pretty awesome idea to engage in the practice of positive affirmations.

In with the new self-empowering thinking, out with the old stinking thinking. Try this exercise

Write down 10 things that you say to yourself that are said without love, such as: I can’t … I am no good at … I’m too tired to … I’m not good enough … It’s too hard … I have no time …

Write down 10 positive affirmations to turn the way you speak to yourself in a more positive, self-caring, self-loving and empowering way. E.g. I am … (beautiful) I can … (do anything I set my mind to) I will … (succeed) Now, take these positive affirmations and write them down of 3 separate sheets of paper.

Attach one sheet to a mirror that you use daily, place one by your bed and the other place in your purse. This will allow you to look at and read these words every single day.

Remember, you are what you think. When you hear yourself thinking stinking thoughts about yourself, quickly turn that thought around with your new awesome positive affirmation.

Question As you go about your day today, become aware of how often you say to yourself things like … ‘I can’t’, ‘I’ve no time’, ‘I’m stupid’, ‘I’m always late’, ‘I’ll get this wrong’.

Can you come up with an opposite to these negative ways of talking about yourself? Let me know. I would love to hear.

Lisa x

P.S. Would you like my FREE Gift – My 6 steps to self-care? Click on this link to register

P.P.S Do you know someone who is ready to look after themselves and would benefit from learning some simple self-care strategies? Feel free to share this blog with them.

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